Helpful Websites

The Allyn and Bacon Guide to Writing

This student-companion website includes writing exercises, samples and resources for each chapter.

Spielvogel Companion Site

Images, interactive maps and timelines, quizzes, flashcards, crossword puzzles, and more.

A Pocket-Style Manual

The student-companion website for “A Pocket-Style Manual,” 4th Edition.

The Norton Anthology of Western Literature Student Website

Timelines, images, maps, comprehension quizzes, and more.

Spanish 1: ClassZone for ¡Advancemos!

Animated Grammar, flashcards, quizzes, games, @Home tutor, and timed conjugation practice for each lesson.

Spanish 2 & 3: Puntos de Partida Online Learning Center

Flashcards, audio, and grammar and vocabulary quizzes.

Wuthering Heights

Read this Emily Bronte text online!


Homework and online resources for Trigonometry


Read this Mary Shelley text online!

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Read this Robert Louis Stevenson text online!

Environmental Science Companion Website

Check out this site for practice quizzes, flashcards, critical thinking questions, virtual field trips, and more, for each chapter in your Environmental Science text.